Thursday, July 3, 2008

Mystery solved!

The last few days Holly has presented us with a mystery. Over 2 milkings her milk had increased about 25 %. That was great. Then all of the sudden her milk was WAY down. Her teats were all uneven and she just didn't have any milk. I took her temp and everything was normal and her teats weren't hard and everything else seemed fine. Nothing in her environment had changed. I just couldn't figure it out, but was getting worried because since Frosty is dried up Holly is our only source of milk. Well I walked out back yesterday and Mystery Solved! Holly is nursing Rocky through the fence! It took her long enough to figure that out. So now we have to put up a better barrier between them. Ranch work is never done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that sneaky little goat - he needs his mommy!! lol