Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hoof Trimming

Well thats one way to get it done. Poor Trouble didn't think this was very funny but I sure did. We trimmed hooves today. It is a tedious job and we hate doing it so it doesn't get done as often as it should. We have decided though, it will be easier if we do it once a month.


Anonymous said...

I lost my comment so here I go again

This pic remins me of the 4H fair or any fair for that matter

Is there not a fair where you could show your animals.I bet that rooster would win a prize.

My uncle used to show chickens at the state fair,

Stef,you are doing okay
love gma

Tiffany said...

I was thinking the same thing today. I don't know anything about showing chickens but he's so pretty he'd have to win something! He's big too.


Anonymous said...

All I can say is "That Poor Goat!" Love, Mom