Sunday, August 10, 2008

Herd Reduction

Stef and I have decided that we are going to get rid of our meat goats and focus on the rabbits and chickens for meat and just dairy from the goats. I have been struggling with what to do with the animals, eat them or try to sell them? Today we were invited to a bbq at one of the boys' friends (they live up the road a bit). They are fencing in their land and will be wanting meat goats in a couple of weeks and wants us to hold the goats for them. I think this is the perfect solution. The boys were very upset at the news of loosing these goats, but now they can still visit.


Anonymous said...

i am so glad you found them a home.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am so sad to hear the goats are leaving!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with both Misty and Sue.

But a really good decision, you can now foucus on your main thought

by the way the book I was speaking of is The Tales Of Beedle
Bard....Fairy Tales left to Hermione By Albus Dumdbledore

peace ( I have ALAWYS wanted to say that)

Anonymous said...

ggm: LOL - now that's funny! send me a book of poems when you can ;-)

peace out sista (i like that one)