Monday, April 21, 2008

Chick Update

Here's a pic of the first set of chickens and ducks. The ducks are ginormous!

I let them free range during the day and put them in their tractor at night. The tractor is getting a little cramped so a new coop is in the works.
Don't worry about Ama eating them. She is on restricted access. Her free roaming privileges have been revoked. She can only be outside with me by my side at all times. She is actually really good around the chickens. Most of the time she just lays there and they peck around her. Hasn't full out tried to get them at all, just stalked them once. Still wouldn't trust her around them by herself.


Anonymous said...

Poor Ama, she just wants to get know her 2 legged friends a little better


Anonymous said...

Yea Jeff - you posted a comment!!

Hey Tiff..I was thinking your family (and my hubby) might want to learn how to post comments with their names vs. anonymously so...

After you post your comment and put in the captcha, click the name/URL tab - just type in your name and leave the URL blank...Viola! ;-)

Love Me!

Tiffany said...

Ama knows her two legged friends all too well, her 4 legged friends too for that matter.

Tiffany said...

I will pass this info on, Thank you