Monday, July 21, 2008


Yes, we are converting our household to a no flush zone. I got a couple of toilet seats and 5 gallon buckets today and Stef is going to built a little cabinet to set the bucket in and put the seats on. You can check out for more info on human waste composting. In two years we will have the best compost around, not to mention the greenest garden! As you can imagine the boys were less than thrilled upon hearing this news. Niko was especially disgusted, not by the idea of carrying excrement around in 5 gallon buckets, but because his friends will think we are crazy. I told him when he is older he will be impressed with his childhood in this family.

We are also going to divert our greywater from the septic tank. Not sure where it is going though. I'll update you all as this progresses.


Anonymous said...

there are some would say
"you have gone over the edge"....but actually you have a lot in common with the Japanese.

Niko, take heart, This may not immpresse you as a childhood memory, but it defintely will be
a story to tell your grandchildern...Go for it guys.

for many reasons I am impressed.

Have you been to Austin yet

Love gga

Anonymous said...

All I can say is, "NO COMMENT!!" Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm---very interesting. Never thought about that before. I had to read this twice and think about it for a moment. Now, I'm scaring myself because it really makes sense! I was just talking to my friends about your family the other night. We have dubbed you "the pioneer woman."

Keep up the good work.
Love, Claudine

Tiffany said...

Like I try to explain to the boys, I think it beats pooping in our water supply! Plus we will get good compost for the garden. Win, win. Although, this will be on a trial basis. It is supposed to be UNstinky. If it is stinky, it won't be around for long.

BTW, don't worry Mom and Misty, we sill still have a working toilet for a while for the faint of heart!
