Friday, July 4, 2008

Bad Ama

We had a rabbit escape from one of the cages and unfortunately she did not survive this time. Niko went out to do chores early this morning and Ama went out with him and caught the rabbit. Just like with Little Bit, Ama didn't break the skin at all. Niko grabbed the rabbit right away and brought her inside to us. She was alive and moving some, but obviously injured. I gave her some Benamine I have on hand for the goats. It is a pain killer and muscle relaxer. She died almost immediately after the injection. I thought I might have given her an overdose or maybe rabbits aren't suppose to get Benamine. I still have to check that out.

Stef butchered the rabbit and we were surprised at how much meat was on it. I was very impressed. Stef discovered that the rabbit had many broken ribs and a punctured lung, so I probably helped her die a little more peacefully with the Benamine, not overdosed her.

After stef cleaned the rabbit he set it on the kitchen counter for me to cut into smaller chunks to feed the dogs later. Niko was disappointed to learn the dogs were going to get to eat the rabbit and not us. I was pretty impressed with that. It did look yummy.


Anonymous said...

Well I guess you do not need Thomas. You have Ama....But really poor Ama.

It is second nature for dogs to chase rabbits, but cats, I am not so sure.

I want to ask your rancher friends to tell me if I need to
spray our cherry tree,because its
leaves are becomming spotted.

Have you looked at your email. A new poem is awaiting the family review


Anonymous said...

Poor little bunny - always some kind of drama on the farm. Supposedly rabbit is yummy but I've never tried it. I've always felt too guilty to go there (little bunny foo foo). Same thing with frog legs. This one time in Mexico (after having several margaritas) we were at dinner eating shrimp and frog legs, I started day dreaming about that cartoon where the frogs were all rolling around in wheel chairs because their legs were gone...after that image I couldn't eat another bite! haha - It's funny what the imagination can do to ones appetite! Yes I am a dork!!

Tiffany said...

It was actually way easier to think of eating the rabbit than the goats. The rabbits don't have the personality that the goats have. I'm excited about raising rabbits now. If they would only start acting like rabbits and Multiply!