Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Rabbit Update

The rabbits should have been due around the first of May. Because we raise them in a colony and they have a burrow we will not know if they had any kits until they pop their fuzzy heads up in about 2 weeks. I have read that after rabbits have the babies they will close up the burrow. I don't know how they get fed or breath or anything else, this is just what I've been told by other colony raisers. After the big storm Sunday night the entrance to their burrow was closed up and now I'm not sure whether it was the stormwaters or the rabbits that did it. I think it was the rabbits, I think if it was the storm they would be trying to redig it. Guess we will find out in a week or two.

Also we have a missing male. Somehow he got his cage door open and jumped 4 feet to his escape. I hope we will see him around soon. Everyone was worried about the bunnies in the colony and we lose the one in a cage!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

only proves what I have said, many times,animals do not belong in cages.

so the colony usually will stay together.

maybe you will find the lostmale with the free bunnies.

love ggma