Friday, May 16, 2008

Grandma's Poem

I was looking through old emails and found this from my grandma. It made me smile so I want to share it. I didn't ask her permission to post it... but I guess since she sent it to me, it is my property now!!


best time of the year for good times and fond memories.

my kitchen table full of egg dye ,vinger,cups and bowels of hot water.

each and every one of you had your own way of handeling the product.

with your empty baskets you all hunted for eggs in the yard, in the house or where ever you were. At one time or the other we went shoe shopping and also for new dresses,pants and shirts.

I laid out patterns for many a new coat.

Sue,Claudine ,Jim: do you remember the year thar Mrs. Minink's cow got out and found the candy eggs.

To nite I am ,as you may have guess , scrolling thur the years .

It helps me to count my many blessings.

When I go to church tears come because god has bless me .

I hope you do not find this a silly email, but my heart,tonite is full

Happy Easter

much love
silly old lady up north


Anonymous said...

this made me smile...what a wonderful woman to say such sweet words. you are so lucky to have her in your life.

Tiffany said...

I just love the part about Mrs. Minink's cow getting the Easter candy!

Anonymous said...

you both are silly
you both make my heart smile